Konicas forefather, Konishi Honten, was established as early as 1860, thus being one of of worlds oldest photographic companies, as photo articles of the time was produced from day one. Konica (KONIshi CAmera released
their first PP SLR in 1960, the F. From the start to finish they were innovative and among other highlights was this Autoreflex from 1965/66 with automatic aperture based on CDS metering outside the lens. Only two years later the Autoreflex T presented worlds
first open diaphragm TTL automatic aperture based on the chosen shutter speed, later known as "Tv". The Autoreflex was developed further into the 70s, selling quite well but never really challenging the big ones.
So, during the late 70s and
into the 80s, Konica found the competition so tough, especially as the competitors presented well working auto focus cameras, that they quit the PP SLR cameras during 1987 to concentrate on compact 35 cameras. However, the brand would turn up again on PP SLRs
after merging with Minolta in 2002. So, the PP SLR cameras wore the name Konica Minolta for a few years until the camera division was sold to Sony, who carried on under Sony label.